Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health
DECISIONS made by the Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health, Councillor Carl Maynard, on 21 January 2025 at Remote Meeting via Microsoft Teams
Councillor Field spoke on item 4 (see minute 28)
24. Decisions made by the Lead Member on 7 October 2024
24.1 The Lead Member approved as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 7 October 2024.
25. Disclosure of interests
25.1 There were none.
26. Urgent items
26.1 There were none.
27. Reports
27.1 Reports referred to in the minutes below are contained in the minute book.
28. Recommissioning Adult Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services in East Sussex
28.1 The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Adult Social Care and Health.
28.2 The Lead Member RESOLVED to:
1) Agree to commence the recommissioning of the adult community drug and alcohol treatment service in East Sussex; and
2) Delegate authority to the Director of Adult Social Care and Health to agree the award of a contract to the successful bidder, to authorise the Council entering into the contract and to take any other actions necessary to ensure continuity of provision of the adult community drug and alcohol service.
28.3 In order to ensure a service is designed, commissioned and implemented that meets the needs of East Sussex residents who use drugs and alcohol and gives best value for money, a recommissioning process needs to be undertaken.
28.4 Delegation to the Director of Adult Social Care and Health to approve the award of the contract to, and to authorise the Council entering into the contract with, the successful bidder and to take any other actions necessary will ensure continuity of provision of the adult community drug and alcohol service.